About Us

Why Us



Sit back and let us tell you our story

We are sourcing experts who are willing to do whatever it takes to find the perfect ingredient you’re looking for.

We’ve sourced ingredients from around the world and dedicated our lives to improving the supply chains of some of the world most popular brands.

But how did it all start? When we get tired of the limitations of the industry.

Our Leadership

The start of something truly exceptional.

As COO, Joaquin watched as vendors changed up pricing, quality, and lead times on a whim. With so much at stake, he knew there had to be a better way. He partnered with fellow Eugenia to start Brokear, a company that is data-informed but relationship-driven.

Now they’re on a mission to create the supplier they always dreamed of finding.

We work closely with our clients to design a supply chain that makes sense for their business. We bring years of experience to find the best deal for your company. More about us and what makes us different.

Joaquin was born and raised in Córdoba. He studied at the Universidad de Villa Maria, where he obtained a degree in Foreign Trade in 2018.

After gaining experience working in various companies, Joaquin joined forces with Eugenia to co-found Brokear, a dynamic and innovative company.

Brokear's mission is to provide accessible and transparent solutions to individuals and businesses.

Fun fact: Joaquin is a paddle enthusiast, globe-trotter, and nature lover. Whether on the court, exploring new horizons, or unwinding in the countryside, he embraces life's diverse experiences with passion and enthusiasm.

Eugenia, a Cordoban native, co-founded Brokear alongside Joaquin as they were partners of studies at Universidad de Villa María.

Her unwavering commitment to transparency and accessibility in finance reflects the values she holds dear.

With roots in Córdoba, Eugenia's mission in life is mirrored in Brokear's mission to provide top-notch solutions and make a positive impact on her clients and the industry.

Fun fact: She has a passion for traveling, nature, and landscapes, and she's a true master chef in the kitchen. Her meals are not just delicious; they are culinary works of art.

Experience The Difference

Get in touch to find out more about how we can get you the best deal


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 P  &  S  ·  Brokear  ·  




